July 9, 2009 should have been one of the happiest moments in my life. My wonderful wife Amor was scheduled to give birth to our baby girl we named Ayessa Arabelle A. Asi at 7:30AM. It turned our to be a nightmare as our future Ms. Universe was diagnosed to have pulmonary infection right after her birth. We never imagined that it will happen to us. Sweetie was strong as ever and the baby was reacting positively day by day before that.
Since there were no manifestations that the baby was ill, and the Ultrasound findings were positive, we did not bother to have Sweetie's urine examined as what we did in her previous deliveries. It proved to be our undoing as our baby bacame angel just 2 days after her birth.
We fought for her life in all means immaginable. She fought gallantly on the first day but on the second, her tender body can't react to medications possitively anymore. We let God do the rest!
When our angel was put to rest on July 10, 2009, I asked: "God, why did you make our baby an angel that fast? We can take care of her, we prepared almost everything. We terminated our Prudential Pension, we loan at Philam to name a few. I can't understand."
I know God has many plans for us. He knows we can bear what happened. He did it for a reason.
Lord, maybe until now I can't understand what and why it happened but let your will be done.
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